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Peripherally, this topic has little to do with terrorism--except that the people who make one worse also degrade the other. And weather conditions can also provide dramatic tests for National Preparedness, to borrow a slogan out of the past. See the link below.

From Fortune Magazine.

    "Massachusetts Institute of Technology researcher Kerry Emanuel published a portentous paper in the journal Nature that illustrated how hurricanes' destructive potential has risen dramatically over the past few decades, in tandem with global warming."

    "Emanuel found that since 1949, the average peak wind speeds of hurricanes over the North Atlantic and the western and eastern North Pacific has increased by a whopping 50%. Such increases have huge consequences, Emanuel notes, since even a small increase in wind speed can produce dramatic increases in damage; a 50% rise in a hurricane's wind speed more than triples its destructive potential. Meanwhile the duration of the storms, in terms of the total number of days they lasted on an annual basis, rose by roughly 60%"

Haliburton and other "special friends" of the Bush administration are enriching themselves at the expense of the American public, Now about $400 billion and counting in direct costs for Iraq alone.

Some 3200+ Americans and 60,000+ Iraqis lost their lives during the 4 years of occupation to Mar 2007.

One can only hope that guidance from Pennsylvania Avenue improves from this point forward.

Sustainability Institute provides the kind of program that we endorse.


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