Jacqueline Salit and Washington's farewell address.
Extended Book Review In view of History: Harry Rosenberg
…Remarkably, American politics may be coming full circle—back to one
George Washington presented so ably and thoughtfully in his farewell address. He predicted the eventual political paralysis on the nose. Now that it has come to pass, the American body electorate is starting to get his point. Jackie Salit does a remarkable job in making her case that seems to me to include:
1 A knowledge that the governmental gridlock is a ticket to demise, not only as a world power but eventually to oblivion as even a semblance of a democracy.
2 One way out lies in the hands of independent voters who want to correct a failing process of representing citizens.
Posted by RoadToPeace on Friday, August 31, 2012.
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It is a new day, never mind that Israel has had the American government in its back pocket for the better part of a century. The emergence of the J Street bunch (pro Israel, pro peace) and other groups, including Americans For Peace Now, are making their presence and preferences known. They want peace and are pragmatic about how to get it. If that means talking to Hamas, then so be it.
At the same time, conditions within Hamas are easing toward accepting an Israeli state within its 1967 borders. Not openly or officially, but by deed.
Over half of Palestinian citizens in Gaza and the West Bank desire peace and agree that negotiations should start.
Posted by RoadToPeace on Sunday, February 15, 2009.
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Revue et Commentaire de Livre de William Isaacs
S'il y a une compétence que nous pouvons acquérir pour parer la terreur, violence et guerre, c'est dialogue. Ceux qui ont déjà la compétence, immobile auront plaisir à lire ce livre opportun et provocateur. Isaacs fournit également de nombreux exemples et perspicacité considérable dans la façon pratiquer le dialogue jusqu'à ce que ce devienne un modèle habituel de comportement et communication. Il y a un vieil adage: "deux têtes sont meilleures qu’ une" et Isaacs illustre superbly pourquoi.
Posted by RoadToPeace on Friday, June 15, 2007.
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Transforming Conflict Into Cooperation
Daniel Yankelovich
Book Review with commentary
Dialogue, the highest realm of communication, comes naturally to many people. To others it comes only with experience. To still others it remains ever a stranger. Yankelovich leads us on a remarkable journey of insight into this vital tool that just might salvage our future. Dialogue is mostly about listening, and Yankelovich has been listening for a long time, not just to nature's songs but to American voices. His wisdom is on display in this delightful book; it is as simple and easy to read as it is profound in its meaning.
Posted by RoadToPeace on Wednesday, March 14, 2007.
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Of course it is!
How can we make some of these things happen?
Try reading the
Tea Leaves;
Posted by RoadToPeace on Friday, March 24, 2006.
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Revision: 7 July 2007.
Dialogue is an important key to understanding and acceptance. Understanding and acceptance are keys to peace, by building bridges, not by erecting fences. Dialogue is the exploration of ideas with greater understanding, connection, or possibility the mutual goal. It involves empathy and integrity; innate curiosity helps.
Links to what others are doing are provided here.
Posted by RoadToPeace on Friday, February 03, 2006.
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That we are all brothers and sisters may be hard for some people to believe. For example, there is more variation within a racial or ethnic group than there is between them. Only in superficial features such as skin or eye color are there any discernible differences. Important features such as agility, intelligence, capacity for love, temperament, morality, artistic sense, and health all show wide variations within all colors of skin.
Posted by RoadToPeace on Monday, November 28, 2005.
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Here our purpose is to find ways to reach across cultural and language divides. Maybe the issue is not so much the means as motivation and wherewithal. We can begin by learning about other people, their lives, and their livelihoods.
Posted by RoadToPeace on Monday, November 28, 2005.
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The United Nations Flag
Most societies and nations have their banners. The world has one, too.
Would each of us display the UN flag to indicate our solidarity with all people?
Posted by RoadToPeace on Monday, November 28, 2005.
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50th Anniversary
In 1945 Europe was in dire straits exhausted by the world's greatest war.
The winning Western powers did not plunder, they punished the leaders instead.
Posted by RoadToPeace on Monday, November 28, 2005.
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Simply said, it is more effective to teach people how to help themselves than just to go on helping them. Societies, like children, need nurturing in their growth process.
Posted by RoadToPeace on Monday, November 28, 2005.
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Democracy is an illusive thing for the poor, the downtrodden, the ignorant, and the disadvantaged. In fact it can't happen as long as these barriers bar accomplishments, whether for the individual or his/her society.
Posted by RoadToPeace on Monday, August 08, 2005.
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Excerpts from: Onward, Moderate Christian Soldiers
Copyright 2005 The New York Times Company;
This web site boosts moderation. We have always had a lot of help, even from Islamic quarters.
Posted by RoadToPeace on Saturday, July 30, 2005.
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William Isaacs
Book Review and commentary
If there is one skill we can acquire to counter terror, violence, and war, it is dialogue. Those who already have the skill, will still enjoy reading this timely and provocative book. Isaacs also provides numerous examples and considerable insight into how to practice dialogue until it becomes a habitual pattern of behavior and communication. There is an old adage:
"Two Heads Are Better Than One" and Isaacs superbly illustrates why.
Posted by RoadToPeace on Wednesday, July 20, 2005.
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