With your SAT Score = 566 verbal, 640 math out of 800 for each, you get into Yale. Your total of 1206 is below the middle of the pack at an Ivy League school. Is this affirmative action in action? Well it might be if you were a poor minority kid with disadvantaged educational opportunities who could also show intelligence, hard work, and other qualities deserving merit. This is the way it is supposed to work; after all you might become president.
Practice is quite another matter.
Being a son or daughter of alumni with political influence count for more at Yale and other schools. Harvard accepts 40% of applicants from alumni families but only 11% of all applicants. SAT scores themselves do not predict college performance, but completing college predicts a positive future. Rich families know that and hire private tutoring as the rite for SAT passage.
Scoring levels of 566/640 does not certify high scholarship, but they launched one man into the White House. When he used the alumni-son trick a second time, American voters didn't buy it, but the Supreme Court did.
See also Plutocracy
Posted by RoadToPeace on Monday, August 08, 2005.
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