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Overview of some historical features of terrorism:

Social History Evolves
    Human History And Social Evolution
      Eastern Philosophies
      Empires Rise and Fall
      Inquisition / Reformation / Enlightenment
      Science and Technolgy Ascendance
      Rise of Democracy

Peace-Destroying Historic Trends: Authoritarianism (Extremism, Fundamentalism)
    Witchcraft (primarily Africa in modern times)
    Imperialism (USA; Primarily Economic)
      Economic Inequities (US support of Israel)
      Humiliation (Zionism support; Iraq; Afghanistan)
      Alienation (Zionism supported by USA)
      Propping up Dictatorships (USA primarily)
    Genocide (Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia)
    Inquisition (Still in Progress in Islam)
    Terror in Name of God (Whose god is God?)
      Judaism (Zionism in Palestine)
      Christianity (Bosnia; North Ireland; Africa)
      Islam (Middle East primarily; India; Europe; USA)
    Violent Societies (Third World -- USA among worst of Developed Nations.)
    Failing to Learn From History (USA more than Europe)
    Failing to Apply What We Already Know (USA more than Europe)
    Governance Ruled by Emotions (USA mostly)
    Bi-polar World Views (USA mostly; Monotheisms mirror each other.)
    Modernization (Interacting negatively with above)

Peacemaking Historic Trends: Herding Instinct (Cooperation in Dialogue)
      Paired Cities (By Population and Ethnicity) show ethnic integration at all levels of governance reduces ethnic strife.
      Tradition of Voter Empowerment (Western World) where women now contribute to society in broad ways
      Separation of Church and State (Mainly Europe) such that religion became a less-contentious issue.
      Rise of Progressive Governance and Economics (Mainly Europe; USA sliding back--temporarily?)
    Modernization Interacting Positively With Above


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