Social History Evolves
- Human History And Social Evolution
- Superstition
Eastern Philosophies
Empires Rise and Fall
Inquisition / Reformation / Enlightenment
Science and Technolgy Ascendance
Rise of Democracy
Peace-Destroying Historic Trends: Authoritarianism (Extremism, Fundamentalism)
- Witchcraft (primarily Africa in modern times)
Imperialism (USA; Primarily Economic)
- Economic Inequities (US support of Israel)
Humiliation (Zionism support; Iraq; Afghanistan)
Alienation (Zionism supported by USA)
Propping up Dictatorships (USA primarily)
Inquisition (Still in Progress in Islam)
Terror in Name of God (Whose god is God?)
- Judaism (Zionism in Palestine)
Christianity (Bosnia; North Ireland; Africa)
Islam (Middle East primarily; India; Europe; USA)
Failing to Learn From History (USA more than Europe)
Failing to Apply What We Already Know (USA more than Europe)
Governance Ruled by Emotions (USA mostly)
Bi-polar World Views (USA mostly; Monotheisms mirror each other.)
Modernization (Interacting negatively with above)
Peacemaking Historic Trends: Herding Instinct (Cooperation in Dialogue)
- India
- Paired Cities (By Population and Ethnicity) show ethnic integration at all levels of governance reduces ethnic strife.
- Tradition of Voter Empowerment (Western World) where women now contribute to society in broad ways
Separation of Church and State (Mainly Europe) such that religion became a less-contentious issue.
Rise of Progressive Governance and Economics (Mainly Europe; USA sliding back--temporarily?)
Posted by RoadToPeace on Wednesday, July 06, 2005.
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